


Made with minimal reduction. It is a special, beautiful and privileged job, only the front parts of the tooth are treated. The shape of natural teeth can be imitated with laminate
We are able to produce laminated veners, emax laminated and porcelain laminate.

What is laminated teeth (laminate veneers)?
Laminates have recently become increasingly popular due to their high aesthetic quality.. The long-lasting laminates are preferred in cases of stained teeth which cannot be transformed by the whitening process. They also provide aesthetically pleasing results for when problems with the shape and form of the teeth are observed, or when spaces between teeth – called “diastema”- occurs.

Laminated teeth are different from classical porcelain coatings in terms of both the material and the method of construction. In porcelain coatings, it is necessary to make an abrasion of 2-2.5 mm along the entire surface of the teeth, whereas for laminated teeth only 0.5-1 mm of abrasion is sufficient along the front surface of the teeth. Some cases do not require any abrasion for laminated teeth. Porcelains used for laminates have outstanding features compared to porcelains used with a classical finish and provide very good results in terms of aesthetics.

For which cases are laminated teeth preferred?
Laminated teeth are mainly preferred by patients who want neat looking teeth with high aesthetic expectations. Specifically, lamination is the optimal solution for cases that involve permanent discolorations due to antibiotic use, slight shrinkage, shape or form problems, chipping or breakage of the teeth, non-uniform look, as well as excessive treatment of fillers or canal therapy.

What is the target patient group for laminated teeth?
Adult patients who suffer from above mentioned problems can benefit from the lamination treatment. Dentist examination is a prerequisite to determine whether the presence of right indication.

What is the procedure for laminated teeth treatment?
Initially, the measurements of the mouth are taken along with video and photo recordings of the patient. The recordings and measurements are then sent to the lab. Based on the complaints and expectations of the patient, a “mock-up” study is prepared through which the treatment can be pre-tested in accordance with these requests. These mock-ups are placed; the dentist and the patient evaluate these newly prepared teeth in terms of appearance, aesthetics, and function. After necessary amendments are performed to meet the expectations and requests of the patient, the final shape is formed, and the laminate veneers are glued on the teeth.

What are the precautions to be taken when using laminated teeth?
Laminate veneers are durable for many years if necessary maintenance is provided. The patient should regularly brush the veneers with circular motions in the morning and use regular floss, as required for the necessary care of regular teeth.

In addition;

Mouth rinses can be used to supplement regular mouth care.
Teeth with laminate veneers should not be used to bite and chew on hard foods.
Habits of eating nails and pencil biting should be abandoned.
In cases of regular grinding or clenching of the teeth, the use of night plate should not be neglected.
How durable are laminate veneers?
Patients who perform satisfactory oral care and follow their dentists’ advice can use their laminated teeth for many years. Because the porcelain is made out of a very durable material, wearing out of the laminates would not be an issue.

What are the advantages of laminated teeth?
A new smile is designed to give a very natural look in the desired colour and form. The patient obtains a happier and more confident smile.
Much less tooth abrasion is observed than the standard porcelain coatings while the use of it is also more comfortable. No phonation problems would be experienced while talking.
The prepared porcelain is very strong while also adhering very firmly to the teeth.
It is almost impossible to remove the chemically bonded laminate from the teeth without abrasion.
No discoloration would be observed.
Laminated teeth are resistant to abrasion and can be used easily for many years.
Since the porcelain laminates are very thin, they give us the desired natural and aesthetic look. Thanks to its light transmittance, no artificial appearance would be observed. It is almost impossible to distinguish laminated from natural teeth.
Because the laminated surface is polished and smooth, no discolouration would occur due to substances such as cigarettes, tea, or coffee.
With the mock-up study prepared before the procedure, the final plan of the teeth can be fitted and rehearsed.
