


The crown or crown is the part of the tooth that can be seen above the gum. In dentistry, when a large part of the tooth is lost due to caries and the general health of the tooth is threatened, or in overcrowded and aesthetically impaired teeth, an artificially formed crown is attached to the tooth using a special tooth.
Implants include zirconium crowns, porcelain crowns, emax crowns and zirconium crowns.

What are dental crowns?
Over time, your teeth can become damaged. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as tooth decay, injuries, or just over time use. Your teeth may lose their shape or size. Dental crowns are tooth-shaped “caps” that can be placed over your tooth. Think of it like a comfortable hat for your tooth. The crown restores the shape, size, strength and appearance of the tooth.

Why would I need a dental crown?
You may need a crown for a variety of reasons, including:
it can be completely aesthetic because zirconiums are very aesthetic
To prevent a weak tooth from breaking (possibly from decay) or to hold the weak tooth together if its parts are cracked.
Restoration of a broken tooth or a severely worn tooth.
Covering and supporting a tooth with a large filling and no excess teeth.
Keeping the dental bridge in place.
Covering misshapen or severely discolored teeth.
To cover a dental implant.
Covering a root canal treated tooth.

How long do dental crowns last?
On average, dental crowns last 15 years or a lifetime. A crown's habitat can depend on the amount of "wear and tear" the crown is exposed to, how well you follow oral hygiene practices and personal oral habits. These oral habits can include things like:

Grind or grit your teeth.
Chewing ice.
Biting your nails.
Use your teeth to open the packaging.
Does a crowned tooth need special care?
A crowned tooth does not need special care. However, the underlying tooth still needs to be protected from caries or gum disease. Therefore, you should continue to follow good oral hygiene practices. These practices include brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing once a day—especially around the crown area where the gum meets your tooth. Also, avoid biting on hard surfaces with porcelain crowns (such as chewing ice or popcorn bodies) to prevent cracking of the porcelain.


When it comes to zirconium teeth, it is necessary to understand porcelain prosthetic teeth in which zirconium is used as an alternative infrastructure material instead of metal support. Expressions such as zirconium teeth, zirconium oxide crown, zirconia, zirconia, zirconia teeth, zirconium coating are other expressions used for zirconium supported porcelain crowns and bridges.
In the last decade, there are many reasons for the frequent use of zirconium material in dental clinical practice and the increased demand for zirconium. Aesthetic, durable and biocompatible zirconium material are the main reasons for this.

Porcelain is the material that best imitates the natural tooth. However, it is not sufficiently resistant to chewing force. Frangible. For this reason, metal support has been used for years as a substructure of prosthetic porcelain teeth to increase resistance. However, the metal backing does not refract the light like a natural tooth. Therefore, porcelain teeth appear dull and dark.

Zirconium is used instead of metal support. Zirconium is a tissue-friendly material and is durable. It also refracts light more naturally. It does not cause odor. Zirconium does not cause allergies.
The development of CAD CAM technology and the rise of aesthetic expectations in dentistry have increased the demand for zirconium support instead of metal support under porcelain teeth.

Although zirconium is identified with porcelain teeth without metal support, there are also porcelain teeth without metal support, such as full porcelain, porcelain lamina, IPS (empress porcelain), and translucent zirconium (full zirconium) teeth, which do not contain metal infrastructure, in cases where aesthetic expectations are high.

Zirconia Supported and Metal Supported Porcelain Teeth
Zirconium supported porcelains look like natural teeth due to their aesthetic structure.
Zirconium has the property of transmitting light. It does not reflect dark colors like metal-supported porcelain.
The opaque image that occurs in metal-supported porcelain crowns, especially in daylight and photographic flash, does not occur in zirconium crowns.
Metal support can cause an allergic reaction in some bodies. Zirconium is a tissue-friendly material. Does not cause allergies. Its biological compatibility is very high.
In metal-supported porcelain, sometimes a gray or sometimes purple line occurs under the porcelain on the gingival edge in thin areas due to the color of the metal. There is no such problem in zirconium coatings.

Gingival bruises, which are frequently seen in gingival diseases and gingival recessions, are not seen in zirconium porcelain applications.
The thermal conductivity coefficient of zirconium is low. It is an insulator, does not conduct heat. Therefore, it prevents hot cold sensitivity.
Zirconium's resistance (resilience) is very high (900 Mpa-1200 Mpa). It shows high resistance to chewing force. It is not fragile.
Due to its high resistance to chewing force, it can be easily used on the posterior teeth as well. Thus, the posterior region also provides a full aesthetic appearance on the teeth.
Zircon teeth are quite light compared to metal-supported porcelain teeth.
Zirconium does not interact with oral fluids. Because; Zircon does not cause corrosion, does not create a metallic taste in the mouth.
Since zircon does not corrode like metal support, it does not cause bad breath.
Zircon is processed with the CAD CAM system by means of optical readers. Therefore, the margin of error is minimal. It adapts very well to the teeth in the mouth.
The adhesion rate of food residues and micro-organisms to the porcelain placed on the zirconium infrastructure is low. Thus, better oral hygiene is provided.


The crown or crown is the part of the tooth that is visible above the gum. In dentistry, when a large part of the tooth is lost due to caries and the general health of the tooth is threatened, or in teeth with excessive crowding and aesthetic disorders, an artificially created crown is attached to the tooth using a special tooth.
There are zirconium crowns, porcelain crowns, emax crowns and crowns on the implants.

What are dental crowns?
Over time, your teeth can get damaged. This can happen for a variety of reasons, like tooth decay, injuries or just use over time. Your teeth can lose their shape or size. Dental crowns are tooth-shaped “caps” that can be placed over your tooth. Think of it like a snug hat for your tooth. The crown restores the tooth’s shape, size, strength and appearance.

The dental crown is cemented into place on your tooth and it covers the visible portion of the tooth.

Why would I need a dental crown?
You may need a dental crown for several reasons, including:

Protecting a weak tooth (possibly from decay) from breaking or to keep the weak tooth together if parts of it are cracked.
Restoring a broken tooth or a severely worn down tooth.
Covering and supporting a tooth with a large filling and not much tooth remaining.
Holding a dental bridge in place.
Covering misshapen or severely discolored teeth.
Covering a dental implant.
Covering a tooth that’s been treated with a root canal.

What are onlays and 3/4 crowns?

There are many types of crowns that can be used on your teeth. Onlays and 3/4 crowns are types of dental crowns that don’t cover as much of your underlying tooth as traditional dental crowns. A traditional crown will cover your entire tooth. Onlays and 3/4 crowns may be appropriate when you still have a solid tooth structure. It’s considered a more conservative approach compared to full coverage of your crown. In this procedure, your dentist removes the affected area and performs a reshaping of the tooth to receive the crown.

What are dental crowns made of?
Permanent crowns can be made out of many different materials. These materials can include:

Metal: There are several metals that can be used in dental crowns, including gold, palladium, nickel and chromium. Metal crowns rarely chip or break, last the longest in terms of wear down and only require a small amount of your tooth to be removed. They can also withstand biting and chewing forces. The metallic color is the main drawback of this type of crown. Metal crowns are a good choice for out-of-sight molars.
Porcelain-fused-to-metal: This type of dental crown can be matched to the color of the teeth that’s next to the crown. They have a more natural tooth color. However, sometimes the metal under the crown’s porcelain cap shows through as a dark line. Other cons include the chance of the crown’s porcelain portion chipping or breaking off and the crown wearing down the teeth opposite it within the mouth. This wear on the other teeth specifically affects the teeth that come into contact with the crown on the top and bottom of your mouth when it’s closed. Porcelain-fused-to-metal dental crowns can be a good choice for front or back teeth.
All-resin: Dental crowns made out of resin are generally less expensive than other crown types. However, they wear down over time and are more likely to break than porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns.
All-ceramic or all-porcelain: These types of dental crowns provide the best natural color match compared to any other crown type. They’re also a good choice if you have metal allergies. However, they aren’t as strong as porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns. They can also wear down the teeth opposite them in the mouth a little more than metal or resin crowns. All-ceramic crowns are a good choice for front teeth.
Pressed ceramic: These dental crowns have a hard inner core. Pressed ceramic dental crowns replace the metal liner that’s used in the all-ceramic crown-making process. Pressed ceramic crowns are capped with porcelain, which provides the best natural color match. They’re also more long-lasting than an all-porcelain crown.

How is my tooth prepared for a dental crown?
You will typically have two visits to the dentist to prepare for a dental crown. In some cases, you may have a dental crown made in your dentist’s office.

The first visit

During the first visit, the tooth that’s going to receive the crown is examined and prepared. X-rays are taken of the tooth and the bone around it. Your dentist might have to do a root canal treatment before your dental crown procedure if there’s any:

Tooth decay.
Risk of infection.
Injury to the tooth’s pulp.
Pulp is the soft tissue inside your teeth that contains blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue.

The tooth that’s receiving the crown will be filed down across the top and sides. This will make space for the crown itself. The amount of tooth that gets filed away depends on the type of crown you have. All-metal dental crowns are thinner and don’t need as much of the tooth removed as all-porcelain or porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns. If too much of your tooth is missing — due to damage or decay — a filling material can be used to “build up” enough tooth structure for the crown to cover.

After reshaping the tooth, a paste or putty is used to make a copy (also called a impression) of the tooth that’s going to receive the crown. Impressions of the teeth above and below the tooth that’s getting the dental crown will also be made. This is done to make sure that the crown will not affect your bite.

The impressions are sent to a dental laboratory. The laboratory makes the crowns and usually returns them to the dentist’s office in two to three weeks. During this first office visit, your dentist will make a temporary crown to cover and protect the prepared tooth while you’re waiting on the permanent crown.

The second visit

At the second visit, the permanent crown is placed on your tooth. First, the temporary crown is removed and the fit and color of the permanent crown is checked. If everything is okay, a local anesthetic (“numbing” drug) is sometimes used to numb the tooth and the new crown is permanently cemented in place.

Same-day dental crowns

Dental crowns can also be made in a dentist’s office if your dentist has the equipment. This process starts off similarly to the traditional way a crown is made — the first steps are to remove decay and shape the tooth for a perfect fit inside the crown. After these steps, the actual making of the crown is different. In the same-day procedure, a scanning device (a “wand”) is used to take digital pictures of the tooth inside your mouth. The computer’s software creates a 3D model of the tooth from these pictures. The digital design is then sent to another in-office machine that carves the shape of the crown out of a block of ceramic. This method of making a dental crown is called computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM). In less than 15 minutes, the crown is ready to be cemented into place.

What problems can develop with a dental crown?
There are several issues that you might experience over time with your crown, including:

Discomfort or sensitivity: A newly crowned tooth may be sensitive immediately after the procedure as the anesthesia begins to wear off. If the crowned tooth still has a nerve in it, you may experience some heat and cold sensitivity. Your dentist might recommend that you brush your teeth with toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth. Pain or sensitivity that happens when you bite down usually means that the crown is too high on the tooth. If this is the case, call your dentist. This problem is easily fixed.
Chipped crown: Crowns made of all porcelain can sometimes chip. Small chips can be repaired and the crown can remain in your mouth. The dental crown may need to be replaced if the chip is large or when there are many chips.
Loose crown: Sometimes, the cement that holds the crown on can wash out from under the crown. Not only does this allow the crown to become loose, it allows bacteria to leak in and cause decay to the tooth that remains. If your crown feels loose, contact your dentist’s office.
Crown falls off: A dental crown can actually fall off. When this happens, it’s usually due to an improper fit or a lack of cement. If this happens to you, reach out to your dentist’s office immediately. Your dentist will give you specific instructions on how to care for your tooth and crown until you can come in for an appointment. The dentist may be able to re-cement your crown in place. If the crown can’t be put back in place, a new crown will need to be made.
Allergic reaction: The metals used to make dental crowns are often a mixture of several metals. You can have an allergic reaction to the metal or porcelain that’s used in the dental crown. However, this is extremely rare.
Dark line on crowned tooth next to the gum line: You might see a dark line next to the gum line of your crowned tooth. This is normal — particularly if you have a porcelain-fused-to-metal crown. This dark line is simply the metal of the crown showing through.

How long do dental crowns last?
On average, dental crowns last between five and 15 years. The life space of a crown can depend on the amount of “wear and tear” the crown is exposed to, how well you follow oral hygiene practices and personal mouth-related habits. These mouth-related habits can include things like:

Grinding or clenching your teeth.
Chewing ice.
Biting your fingernails.
Using your teeth to open packaging.
Does a crowned tooth require any special care?
A crowned tooth doesn’t need any special care. However, the underlying tooth still needs to be protected from decay or gum disease. Because of this, you should continue to follow good oral hygiene practices. These practices include brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing once a day — especially around the crown area where the gum meets your tooth. Also, avoid biting on hard surfaces with porcelain crowns (for example, chewing ice or popcorn hulls) to prevent cracking the porcelain.
